Monday, January 12, 2009

Friday - January 17th - 9:45pm
Watch Mike's fight on HBO!

Run, Walk or Jog

The Winter Haven Public Library is having their annual fund raising Run, Walk, or Jog event Saturday January 31st. You can sign up online or get applications at the Library downtown.

The registration fee is 15.00 - cashola goes to buy books and programing for the children's department.

If you aren't up to a 5K run yet, there is a 2mile walk instead.

Either way... come on out, support the library and wear your Tiger's World shirt, of course!

Challenge Meeting Wednesday

Remember... there is going to be an informational meeting for all interested parties Wedensday January 14th after the Cardio classes at 7:30pm. Bring a friend, bring your questions, bring it on!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Let the blogging begin!

Greetings Tiger's World Family & Friends... What's up?